Montag, 1. Januar 2018

The Route

This is the actual 1.126 km route, I have taken. It is been generated by the files of my GPS Device (Garmin Edge 1030). Click on it for a large version.

The final day - Back to Palermo airport. Tour-total: 1.126 km

I needed to prepare the bike for the flight home. One of the most important things is to ensure that the pedals will be removable at the airport using my travel-tools. And I have to remember, what direction I have to push to on each side. I have prepared myself a little note:
After such a trip, the screws are often very hard to loosen. That's why I looked for a real instrument. Thankfully, the tool-shop in Corleone could help.
Helpful people in Corleone. The mandarin was a special present from Sicilia
Now, I could continue my last ride. I came by Borgo Schirò, an abandoned village built during the agricultural reforms of Mussolini.
Background: School
Church of Borgo Schirò
Rock formations

Palermo Airport - the Bags and the bike is packed - I am ready to fly home.